Notice the miracles to transform your memoir

Your memoir is the story of your struggle and transformation. Noticing and recording everyday miracles is a useful tool to build up a body of work. “There are only two ways to live. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle,” my friend Amanda reminds me of her favourite quote by Albert Einstein.


Miracles are experiences which resonate on a very personal level with you. Start noticing any unexpected surprises. A smile from a stranger, a helping hand when you need it, kindness, good advice from a friend, the feeling of the sun on your upturned face, the thrill of a cold-water swim, recovering from cancer, a lucky escape, a brave move – the possibilities are endless!


Journaling can be a great gateway to gather daily miraculous information to include in your memoir.

Stream of consciousness – writing rapidly, capturing thoughts as they come up.

Dream journal – writing down dreams as soon as you wake up.

Gratitude journal – make a list each night for the things you were grateful for.

Sketch journal – express feelings through sketching and illustrations.

Days events journal – jot down something miraculous or memorable in the day.


We are so often sidetracked by life that we need conscious reminders of good things happening. A public example of this happening in South Africa is GoodThingsGuy. This is a website that was officially launched on the 1 August 2015 in order to only promote good news, inspirational stories and promote positive, upbeat media reporting.

You can be the GoodThingsGirl or GoodThingsGuy of your own life!


Your readers will be struggling together with the main character (you), seeing where you falter and rejoicing when you conquer. Readers need to know what you have learnt through your experience because they want to know how this insight can benefit them in their lives.


Echo Brown’s debut book, Black Girl Unlimited: The Remarkable Story of a Teenage Wizard combines her life-story with elements of magical realism and fantasy.

“Born during the mid-1980s crack epidemic in one of Cleveland’s poorest neighborhoods to a mother and stepfather with no money and histories of addiction, her first memory is of her mother unconscious from an overdose while the family’s apartment was on fire, her two younger brothers in their cribs. She said that many people thought it would take a miracle for her to make it out of this environment, and she described the miracles that led to her presence in front of this audience.”

The first miracle she experienced was an elementary school teacher who put her in a program for gifted and talented students. “I can’t stress enough the importance of seeing a child’s promise as early as possible,” Brown says.

Various shifts then happened in her life. Brown says she chooses to call these shifts in her life miracles because she sees them as connected to something bigger than her, as “what happens when the force is with you”.

Brown says that, in real life, miracles are easy to miss.


“Hang on to your youthful enthusiasms – you’ll be able to use them better when you’re older,” Seneca tells us.

When you have enough material and feel ready to write your memoir, contact me! As an author coach, I am always here to assist you to take the first brave step in writing and publishing your life-story. I look forward to hearing from you.

10 Responses

  1. I love this miracle mindset, or rather, heart-set.
    This is so inspiring! It got me thinking that even set-backs can be miracles because they re-direct you or give you opportunities to go after what is truly meant for you.

    1. Hi Kerienne,
      You have stated this important point so well! Setbacks are precisely that – markers on the route for us to become wiser and more resilient, developing new coping skills.
      Noticing miracles is about living authentically and in awe.
      When you write your memoir you have the opportunity to externalise problems/obstacles and look at your situation from a more objective point of view. There is an added bonus – nothing is a “forever” situation – your readers will love to see how you managed to turn your personal setbacks around.
      The act/art of writing is a deeply personal way of allowing yourself space to explore all of this. I am really looking forward to our workshop!
      All best to you –

  2. Hi I would like to tell you my life history but would have to put it on a stick a book

    I started writing my life history and want to keep it confidential and would ask if you could read it and let me know.

    1. Dear Nadene, it is always problematic when you write your life-story, confidentiality and saying exactly what you want, without hurting other people. there are ways to handle those situations and I can definitely help you with that!

  3. Your blog is a breath of fresh air! It’s a powerful reminder to cherish the everyday miracles in our lives and to see the world through a different lens. Echo Brown’s story adds a poignant touch, showing us how these miracles can shape our journeys in profound ways. Thank you for this uplifting read!

    1. Zola, thank you for your kind words in a world that is often so harsh and unforgiving – it remains my passion to inspire fellow human beings to document and share their stories – be the GoodThingsGirls and GoodThingsGuys…. thank you and have an awesome day!

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