Be vulnerable and courageous enough to invite yourself to write your life story. Dare to dive deep beneath the surface of things. This call to courage when you write, will reward you in many ways.
“My soul is busy knitting a collection of stories to create another book. My mind protests, saying it’s a chaotic jumble of leftover bits, and it will take deep breaths and a careful gaze to bind them into a coherent whole.
For this collection, I’ll have to search in the bottom drawers and forgotten nooks, on old computers where they lie hidden, away from all eyes, and especially hearts,” writes Annali Swiegers.
Her second book Storiesiel 9X9, has just been released.
Somewhere in 2023 Annali approached me for assistance with her collection of stories. The process of revising, editing and publishing took roughly a year. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Annali and I am so proud of her achievement!
She writes about a nine year stretch in her life that has been exceptionally challenging. It wasn’t a matter of living, but of surviving, against all odds. She writes in a searingly honest way about the transformative journey of her life.
“I’ve never wanted to frighten anyone with my writing, so I’ve always believed that one should only share stories when the scabs have dried, and not while still nursing raw wounds,” she says.
“So, these will be stories from my own soul, standing up again after Life knocked me down, stories from the souls in my life. Nine is the number of transformation, positive growth, and change. I am different—more whole, more upright, and still on my way. There are raw stories, old stories, and half-finished stories. Here and there, a newer one that holds a bit more cheer. Between them, a poem, and then the soulStories that the greatSoul whispers in my ear.”
“This collection will tell the story of the piece of road that Virgo and I walked on the farm Deo Volente, the journey and end of a bittersweet part of life. It’s nine-plus years, and I wanted to start at the beginning, but the beginning is gone… Gone like the end of a tangled skein of wool. So, I start now, sooner rather than later, and I’ll tell about the times when Virgo and I saw each other, as if seeing another was unnecessary, but also about the love that never ran out.”
Storiesiel 9X9 will touch the hearts of every person who has ever struggled and overcome great challenges.
Annali Swiegers is an artist, astrologist and author. She divides her time between Swellendam and Portugal.
Dare to dive deep and write your story. Contact me as an author coach if you need assistance with your memoir or life story writing and publishing.
6 Responses
Dankie Anemari!
I couldn’t have asked for a better midwife for Sielstories 9×9.
Anemari is exceptionally competent in the gentlest way. My stories are written in a very creative Afrikaans style, she didn’t shy away from it, in fact she embraced it and honoured my creative process without losing integrity. Her guidance, support and editing are rare to be found.
What a privilege to be on this journey with you.
Dear Annali – it was (and is) an absolute pleasure to work with you and so very proud of your achievements!! May you sell many books and may many people have the pleasure to enjoy your work. Anemari
Wat n absolute vreugde is Anneli se boeke.
Dankie dankie
A good way to end my Thursday. Thank you for this beautiful writing!
Good morning Zola – and thank you for your comment! Glad it lifted up your day xx